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As we sat and talked we were reminded of how many times God has stepped into our lives and provided a miracle. This blog will be the opportunity for us to write these down for the next generation, and hopefully inspire you in your walk with God. Come by every Tuesday for a new post.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Angels? Not Accidentally #5

It was 1975 and I was  4 months pregnant with our first child.

My husband was in the Army and had been sent to Germany. I was staying with my parents until he found an apartment for us.  Finally an apartment was found and I was on my way.  My first airplane ride! The flight stopped in Ohio, changing planes in New York then off to Frankfurt.

The flight...
When we landed in Ohio there was something wrong with the defroster on the windows of the plane and our flight was delayed.  When we got to New York,  I along with several other passengers, had missed our flight.  The next one didn't leave until the next morning.  I had no way to even contact  my husband.

When we left the airport for the hotel  several things  happened that are burned into my memory.

The cab drive...
The cab driver was rather pushy and wanted to take me out to "show me New York".  I was so glad I was in a large cab with other passengers!
not the real ladies :-}

The promise...
Daddy, bless his heart, had met two older German ladies who were on the same flight.  He had them promise to  look out for me, only one problem they didn't speak English. So, in the midst of trying to help them understand why we had to go to the hotel, and ward off this offensive driver, a piece of my luggage disappeared.

The man with the hat...
As I stood in the lobby of the hotel I finally broke down and started to cry.  A well dressed gentleman with a hat no less, walked up to me.  The words he told me, are words I will never forget " I have been watching you, you are doing a great job,  I will find your luggage and you will be okay"  The words seemed strange at the time yet comforting. A few minutes later he walked in with my luggage.  It was under a seat in the cab, but it had been gone through.

 The roommate...
I had met another young woman  who was going to meet her future husband who was also in the army.  Ok, it was in retrospect, rather foolish but we had decided we would share a room rather than be alone.  About 2 in the morning the phone rang.  It was a prank call, I believe it was the cab driver. He called me by name and was very lewd .  At that point I was VERY thankful I wasn't alone.

Next morning we got on our flight an landed in Germany.  My wonderful husband was there to meet me but this girls future husband wasn't.  I had already taken her name to stay in touch and knew the name of who she was meeting. My husband offered to make calls to find him but she assured him she would be fine.  A couple of weeks went by and I tried to call her.  Unable to find her, I tried contacting the soldier.  No one knew of him or had ever had anyone by that name on the base.  I never found her and still wonder to this day if she was an angel sent to watch over me.

God is always watching over us.  Sometimes he allows us a peak into the Spiritual world he has in place around us to help us know we are doing something right or to comfort us in times of stress.
There are no accidents when God is at work.

I pray this story helps you become aware of the angels around you today.

Blessings, Debbie

Linking with Titus 2sday and Spiritual Sunday


  1. Oh my goodness, I never really realized all the details to this story. So beautiful how the litte german ladies promised Dad to watch over you. And the gentlemen in the hat is so powerful. I know everyone who reads this will be affected. Love you

  2. This is a wonderful story. Yes, I'm encouraged!

  3. Amazing! God certainly sent angels to watch over you.

  4. Very interesting. These things really make you wonder. God can take care of us any way He chooses and certainly He has angels ready to answer the call. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Wow. What a great story! That cab driver sure sounds creepy. I just found this site through Debbie's. Do you guys have a linky party? I would love to participate if you do. I reposted this post last week, but I think that you might enjoy it ... I guess that you will need to copy and paste the address into your browser, or just go to my blog and look under The Letter "U" under the A-Z Challenge.

    Have a great week, and God bless!

    Kathy M.
