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As we sat and talked we were reminded of how many times God has stepped into our lives and provided a miracle. This blog will be the opportunity for us to write these down for the next generation, and hopefully inspire you in your walk with God. Come by every Tuesday for a new post.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Refocus and consecration for things to come

Joshua 3:5  Then Joshua addressed the people: "Sanctify yourselves.  Tomorrow God will work miracle wonders among you."

God works in mysterious ways. Money was very tight; Greg was making less in commissions and times were tough. We were trusting for better times. We were working through the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover and trying to pay down credit card charges. I felt that change was coming however never realized how dramatic our lives would change in just a few short weeks.

It was April 2010; Good Friday. Our church opened the sanctuary from 8AM – 5PM for communion. Greg and I decided to take a break from our work and we met at the church for communion and prayer. We sat in the pew and prayed together for strength and miracles in our finances and our lives; we took communion together and then returned to work. I believe this was the first step in God’s preparation for our transformation; certainly NO accident.

April 9th, 2010, I attended a nursing symposium in Columbia, Missouri. The guest speaker was Fr. Nick Mezacapa who is the rector at Calvary Episcopal Church in Rochester, Minnesota. His church is across the street from the Mayo Clinic. He spoke to the nurses attending the symposium about refocusing on the important things in life, learning to view our careers as a vocation and not just a job. He spoke about learning to use the gift of a “job” as a way to minister to others. Wow – I was impressed! I started looking at my life in new ways – I wrote a mission statement for my life and started focusing on my Christian walk and how to influence others. I started using my skill as a nurse to minister to my patients. I decided that as I listened to lung and heart sounds with my stethoscope I would secretly pray for my patients. This has become my routine – and has been life changing for me.

The events leading up to the loss of my husband’s job (April 26, 2010) described in Part I of this blog, were not accidental. God NEVER gives you more than you can handle. You may be scared to the core and may even question the events but you must trust in the purpose and nurturing of our Heavenly Father. I believe that God was preparing my heart for a very difficult time that was just around the corner!!



  1. It's such a blessing to know that God uses our life happenings and brings good from them. Your stories always touch my heart. Today's was no exception.

    May you be blessed as you share your story,

  2. This is so true. God does work in mysterious ways. Thank you for sharing your heart with us again.

  3. Hello Lori, Lovely to meet you. I am so happy to read how the Lord touched and changed your understanding from a job to a vocation..... Here is Australia we (older)R.N. are called Sister..its really lovely I think because its rather like a family member. You are associated as close to the patient.
    The younger generation are changing this and are known by their first names, as are many of the doctors. I think they feel it is more personal, yet the personal touch is missing. God is so wonderful in His mighty love for us..He guides and directs us to know His will, when we are open to learn. What a blessing you will be to all you come in contact with.. I am sure you will never realise just how much. Blessings Crystal

  4. I can't imagine not having the Lord in my life when something like this happens,yet I'm sure that there are so many people who have indeed lost their job,homes, and even family that don't have the Lord.I'm glad that you and your husband have the Lord.
    God Bless,

  5. It is wonderful being able to look back on events and see how God was working through every detail to prepare us for another.

  6. God is so good to not waste a single thing in our lives. He uses everything! Every problem, every crisis, everything...for His wonderful purpose. We can be sure that whatever He is doing, it is good...and it is in some way, for our good. He is a good Father!

    Thank you for sharing your story!

  7. What a beautiful testimony. I certainly respect what the Lord is doing in you life!

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. Such a beautiful story and I KNOW, I can SEE the difference in your face and in your smile! I Love you sis 6152

  9. God uses everything that happens in our lives for good. This is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it.
