PSALM 100: vs. 1 - 2
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands."
"Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
"Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing."
I had always loved to sing but never thought I was talented enough to join our choir. We have a very progressive and contempory sound, guitars, drums. I thought maybe someday I could join them.
I had decided to step out in faith (this was so difficult) find a voice teacher and take lessons. I found a teacher and I drove to her home, my heart just pounding--didn't know what to expect. She was really cordial and she had to decide if was even worth her while to give me lessons, I had to just start singing a song so she could here my range. She said I did have potential and took me on as a student. I did weeks of trills before I actually sang anything. I took lessons for a year.
One day (NOT ACCIDENTALLY) a friend of mine at church who had no idea I had taken lessons asked me to audition for the choir. We had gone to church together years before in a small little church and we sang carols together in the Christmas Programs.
The day came to audition and I took a tape that my teacher had played on the piano. It was a beautiful song and I sang the lyrics. Our director said wonderful and your "in".
Our lives at church have not been the same since that day. As a result we have been involved in "cell" groups within the choir, we are now in a life group and have 16 people in our home twice a month to do "life" together learning how to live a great christian life.
As a result of making so many friends we are active in many other areas of the church.
That ONE conversation from a dear friend has enriched how we worship and how we fill our days.
Our choir at a special service on 9-11--Honoring Heros.
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