Please visit our new blog ,

Please visit our new blog ,
As we sat and talked we were reminded of how many times God has stepped into our lives and provided a miracle. This blog will be the opportunity for us to write these down for the next generation, and hopefully inspire you in your walk with God. Come by every Tuesday for a new post.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Beginning

Not Accidentally Tuesday # 1...His provision

I am blessed to be able to share for our first  blog  something that happened over 30 years ago in my life.

My husband had been in the Military for 8 years and we were getting ready to become civilians again.

Money was pretty tight in those days.  We had to travel from Florida to Kansas.  The military would ship our belongings but the rest was on us.

We sat down and started calculating how much it would cost us to make this move.  With the price of gas, food and lodging we had come up with a figure of $342.

You might wonder why I remember that figure so well after so many years, hence the "coincidence".

I had been shopping at the PX on base and when walking to my car I spotted an envelope on the ground. I picked it up and when settled in the car with our two small children, took time to open it.  It was a very large sum of cash.  There was no name, nothing to identify the owner.  I was sick.  I KNEW how hard money was to come by.

When I got home I called the store and the bank that was close by and gave them my number so when the person came looking, I could return it.

I put the envelope in the top drawer and prayed someone would call.

Three months went by.  It was time to leave for home.  No one had called.

I asked God, why?  I knew someone was missing that money. Yes, you probably guessed it.  There was exactly $342. in the envelope.

Coincidence? Accident? I don't think so.

Our goal is to have a link each Tuesday for you to share your stories.  I pray reading them will lift your spirit and open your eyes to the wonder of a coincidence.

Blessings, Debbie

We are linking with Spiritual Sunday  

we pray you are inspired to join us with our 
Not Accidentally Tuesdays.


  1. Our God is a PERSONAL God. He understands our needs and (although He doesn't always provide in such an understandable way) ALWAYS provides what we need! Thanks for sharing your story. Although He did this for you, He also did it for the edification of the body. I've been edified! Blessings, Debbie

  2. wow...amazing story. God really does provide....loved reading this.

  3. What a wonderful blog you have here with such a great name. My plan is to sit here and read for awhile before bed! So glad you joined spiritual Sundays.

  4. What a great story. God is awesome!

  5. I found your inspiring new blog after Debbie left an encouraging comment on mine :) I love reading about these "coincidences", where we can see God's hand at work. We serve such an awesome God!

  6. This is such an encouraging blog! I'm stopping by from Spiritual Sundays.

    (Thanks Debbie for leaving a comment on my blog). Looking forward to reading more of these "coincidences".


  7. Wow! This was for sure money meant just for you. I love it when God surprises us like that. Thank you for sharing this awesome experience.

  8. I am not all about reading the bible and going to church but there are things that happen sometimes which I couldn't explain any other way except a miracle. I was praying in the middle of the day and I hadn't prayed in a while and something unexpected happened. I got the money I needed for Christmas and I was so shocked at how fast the response was I have to honestly say I was scared. I do always have what I need not so much what I want . I sometimes cannot believe how things happen it's enough to shock me every time though.
